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Article 1 | Purpose
This agreement aims to define the terms and conditions of use, procedures, and other necessary matters concerning the rights, duties, and responsibilities between the users and DASAN ENG (hereinafter referred to as "the Company") for the website operated by the Company (hereinafter referred to as "the Site").

Article 2 | Effectiveness and Amendment of Terms
These terms become effective by being posted on the Site.
The Company may amend these terms if deemed necessary, and the amended terms will take effect by being posted on the Site.
If the user does not agree with the amended terms, they may discontinue using the Site.

Article 3 | Matters not Specified in the Terms
Any matters not specified in these terms shall be governed by relevant laws and the Company's policies.

Article 4 | Definition of Terms
"User" refers to any member who accesses the Site and receives services provided by the Site in accordance with these terms.

Article 5 | Restrictions on Use
If a user falls under any of the following reasons, the Company may impose restrictions or suspend the use of the Site:
If the user uses the Site to conduct activities prohibited by law or these terms, or activities against public order and morals.
If the user submits false inquiries or disseminates false information.

Article 7 | Protection of Members' Personal Information
The Company strives to protect the personal information of members as stipulated by relevant laws.
The protection and use of members' personal information are subject to relevant laws and the Company's Privacy Policy.

Article 8 | Company's Obligations
The Company shall not engage in activities prohibited by law and these terms, or activities against public order and morals, and shall do its utmost to provide continuous and stable services as stipulated in these terms.
The Company shall establish a security system to protect users' personal information so that users can safely use internet services.

Article 9 | Obligations of Users
Users must not engage in the following activities:
Registering false information during application or changes.
Misusing another person's information.
Modifying information posted by the Company.
Transmitting or posting information (such as computer programs) other than the information designated by the Company.
Infringing on the intellectual property rights, including copyrights, of the Company and third parties.
Damaging the reputation of or interfering with the operations of the Company and third parties.
Publicly disclosing or posting obscene or violent messages, images, sounds, or any other information that goes against public order and morals on the Site.

Article 10 | Provision and Modification of Services
The Company provides the following services to users:
Information related to semiconductor equipment.
Other services designated by the Company.
If there are any changes to the contents of the services, the Company will notify users by posting a notice in the news section of the Site at least seven days prior to the changes.

Article 11 | Service Suspension
The Company may temporarily suspend the provision of services in case of maintenance, replacement, malfunction of computer and information communication facilities, or interruption of communication.
If a service suspension is anticipated, the Company will notify users through the Site or directly.

Article 12 | Attribution and Restriction of Copyright Use
The copyrights and other intellectual property rights for the works created by the Company belong to the Company.
Users must not use the information obtained from the Site for commercial purposes by reproducing, transmitting, publishing, distributing, broadcasting, or otherwise exploiting the information without prior consent from the Company, or allow third parties to use such information.

Article 13 | Amendment of Terms
The Company may amend these terms to the extent that it does not violate related laws, such as the Act on the Regulation of Terms and Conditions.
When the Company amends the terms, the amended contents and the effective date will be specified along with the current terms on the initial screen of the Site at least seven days prior to the effective date.

Article 14 | Jurisdiction and Governing Law
Lawsuits related to disputes arising from electronic transactions and usage processes between the Company and the user will be exclusively governed by the court having jurisdiction over the location of the Company’s headquarters.
Korean law will apply to lawsuits filed between the Company and the user regarding electronic transactions and usage processes.


These terms will be effective from July 9, 2024. The currently operating website uses cookies to store and reference some information related to user usage to provide personalized services.

Cookies may contain information about users, basic settings, or devices and are primarily used to ensure the site operates as expected. Cookies do not collect personally identifiable information. Users can refuse to store cookie information or delete stored information if they do not wish to save cookies during use.

■ Purpose of Cookie Use
Cookies are used to check the frequency of visits and usage time of users accessing the website to enhance service quality and sophistication for user satisfaction.

■ How to Refuse Cookies
Users can allow or refuse the use of cookies.
Most web browsers are set to allow the use of cookies, so users must adjust their web browser settings to control cookie use. The method of setting may vary depending on the web browser type, but generally, users can search for "cookies" in the browser's settings to select whether to allow cookies.
If users refuse the use of cookies, most website information will still be accessible, but there may be limitations in using personalized services.